Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed Joe Biden for his leadership 20 years after the 9/11 attacks, and shared her personal experience the day of the attacks.
JEANINE PIRRO: There is no other day on the American calendar that reminds us how vulnerable even the most powerful nation on earth can be. September 11. 9/11. Memories from that beautiful, sunny day in 2001 are still haunting and palpable. America was injured and in shock.
When President Bush spoke, America found what she needed, a leader who brought us a sense of unity, not words. A leader who focused on our similarities, not our differences. And suddenly, because of his strength, America was one against those who wanted to destroy us. We found our strength, courage, fearlessness, and unequivocal belief that the United States is exceptional. After that, we were able to stand tall and united to confront the massive violence and hate from radical Muslim extremists who came after us in our own country, our homeland, to kill us.
Yes, they took much from us that day. The ripple effect is still with us. What have we learned in 20 years? Are we any safer now? Are we still vulnerable? Sadly, I believe we’re more vulnerable. There is a deficit of leadership today…You don’t even have to look at a poll to know instinctively that only 39% of Americans approve of Joe Biden. His lies, his ineptitude, and his determination to choose politics and ideology over the safety of America and her citizens. It is evident day after day.