The following is written for the series Ripples from the Dunes, by Jennifer Klein, Land Management Coordinator.
I recently experienced a micro version of this on Conifer Trail. While hiking the trail and planning for sign upgrades, Nancy and I stumbled across an “ecosystem in a tree”. Our discovery was a cut-off cedar tree stump, right along the trail edge. Most likely this tree was storm damaged and was removed so it didn’t block the trail or cause a hazard. The stump was cut at a height of a few feet off the ground and was at the perfect level for observation.
The center of this stump is hollow, and inside a black cherry tree is growing. In fact, the tree is already a few feet tall with a main trunk and two main branches. Most likely the seed was carried there by a perching bird. With the nutrients provided by the decaying stump and rainwater collected in the hollow, the seed had an ideal environment to grow. Other life is also being nourished here as well. Species of moss and lichen are flourishing on this cedar stump. In addition to being interesting to look at, lichens are a sign of good air quality.
To some observers, downed trees may make the forest appear “messy”. In reality, this is a very important source of nutrients. According to the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research, one-fifth of all animal and plant species, totally approximately 6,000 of the species we know, depend on dead wood. Usually, this relationship isn’t quite so obvious, except for the occasional mushrooms growing along a downed tree trunk. But the fact that it isn’t easily observed by the naked eye doesn’t make it any less important.
I am not sure that the cherry tree picked an ideal long-term spot. Only time will tell if its roots are firmly planted in solid ground or if it is completely dependent on the cedar stump taking a long time to break down. For now I will enjoy this mini-ecosystem and observe how nature comes full circle.