Enjin, one of the leading ecosystems for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), has announced a partnership with more than 70 ecosystem participants to build a decentralised metaverse on Efinity.
In a highly competitive first batch of bids in Polkadot’s Parachain Auction, the cross-chain NFT superhighway rallies support from leaders in the development of Web3.
Newly-announced adopters Hololoot and VRJam will, therefore, complement the visual elements of the decentralised metaverse on Efinity, promising both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) functionality and laying the foundation for a graphical creator economy.
Additionally, projects such as Lost Relics, Age of Rust, Dvision Network, and Pluto Alliance, are among the 70+ projects choosing to adopt Efinity for its usability, speed, scalability, and low environmental impact.
This follows the news that Enjin launched a $100m Efinity Metaverse Fund to support builders of a decentralised metaverse.
Chris LoVerme, CEO and founder of SpacePirate Games said: “Next generation of decentralised games needs a next-generation platform, which is Efinity.
“It’s going to transform the way games are experienced and the way players embrace NFTs through extensibility and incentives at the infrastructure level. Efinity is the future, and we’re building on it.”
The network features fuel tanks and discrete accounts to streamline the user onboarding experience, allowing crypto-novices to start playing with no barriers to entry.
The platform’s on-chain marketplace includes an open bidding system that allows NFTs on any bridged blockchain to be bid upon, regardless of whether they are listed for sale.
Maciej Szafarczyk, COO and co-founder of Hololoot, added: “With transaction fees as low as pennies, Efinity is capable of bringing NFTs to everyone.
“As the world’s first decentralised AR Metaverse NFT Generator, this functionality is critical to our goal: elevating the NFT market from 2D to 3D.”
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