After Polka-Dot Man, meet Polka-Dot Cat.
James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad introduced us to a whole new slew of characters, including Cleo Cazo, aka Ratcatcher 2, who has the ability to summon and control rats.
But David Dastmalchian, the actor who plays Ratcatcher’s teammate Abner Krill (aka Polka-Dot Man) found a real rat catcher while shooting on location for The Suicide Squad.
It turns out that Dastmalchian had recently fallen in love with a cat that he found and adopted in Panama while shooting for the movie.
Dastmalchian wrote in an Instagram post, “With the help of my The Suicide Squad family and some generous animal lovers in Panama, I was able to rescue Bubblegum (full name: Abner Bubblegum Polka Dot Cat). She has been a blessing to our family & was instrumental in helping us through the pandemic.”
Dastmalchian explained the story of how he met her, saying, “This incredible, beautiful cat kept coming up to the set, wanting to be petted and scratched.”
“She was really hungry and really beat up. And I fell in love and now she’s mine. Well, she’s not mine, I’m hers.”
The connection must have been apparent to everyone on the set, as the cat has even her own matching polka-dot costume all thanks to the film’s costume designer, Judianna Makovsky.
Here’s the special polka-dot costume Makovsky created for Bubblegum to go along with Polka-Dot Man’s:
Bravo to everyone involved in this adoption and costuming on set.
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