The Suicide Squad was as close to The Hunger Games as a film could possibly get. The movie is full of main characters turning on each other and stabbing each other in the back from the very opening scene, and it even took place on a far-out, unreachable island.
But in a battle royale arena, where their singular objectives are to smoke out and murder the others, it would be the goriest, most shocking, and hilarious Hunger Games ever. Between King Shark tearing limbs apart, Harley’s having new combat skills, and Polka Dot Man pretending everyone is his mother, which Suicide Squad member would fare best?
10 Blackguard
Blackguard is by far the weakest character of the new villains that were introduced in The Suicide Squad. Not only did Blackguard show that he didn’t necessarily have any special abilities in the movie, but he came off as stupid and ignorant too.
Despite double-crossing the squad, he still ended up getting his face shot off by the Corto Maltese military when he stupidly walked out into the open. Just like how he was the first human character to be killed in the movie, Blackguard would be the first to be picked off in the Hunger Games. The other opponents would make mincemeat out of him, especially given how much of a traitor he is.
9 Polka Dot Man
As long as he imagines that every opponent is his mother, Polka Dot Man would fare extremely well in the Hunger Games. However, his success would largely be down to how powerful his ability is, as the Polka Dots can disintegrate anybody as soon as they graze the skin.
If the character ever got so nervous that he was unable to perform, just like he did in the movie, it’d be game over for Polka Dot Man in an instant. He also isn’t as aware of his surroundings as the other characters either, as turning his back for a split second is what got him killed by Starro, and opponents need to have eyes in the back of their heads in the arena.
8 Ratcatcher 2
Ratcatcher 2 doesn’t exactly have any note-worthy hand-to-hand combat skills, and her special ability isn’t so much of a weapon as it is an extra pair of hands. The character can control rats just like how Ant-Man‘s Scott Lang can control ants, and that ability would definitely give the hero a leg up in the Hunger Games arena, but her opponents have so many other powers to counteract hers.
The only thing that casting rats into the arena would do is make her opponents goose-step around a little more. And though they’d scare Bloodsport half to death, he has enough ammunition to kill an entire country of rats.
7 T.D.K.
As he’s one of the best members not on the main Suicide Squad team, T.D.K. (which stands for The Detachable Kid) gets one of the earliest laughs in the new movie, as his arms detach from his torso. But as hilarious as the way that T.D.K. wriggles as he tries to steer them is, the character’s special ability would actually come in handy in the Hunger Games arena.
T.D.K. could stay at a safe enough distance away from all the action but still get involved. Though he didn’t last too long in The Suicide Squad, he was up against a whole military, and his only team were other members of the Suicide Squad, most of whom were dumber than he was. So, if they were up against his own team, chances are T.D.K. would choke them out before they even saw the detached limbs coming.
6 Rick Flag
Rick Flag doesn’t have any special abilities compared to the other members of the squad, as he doesn’t have any superpowers like Polka Dot Man, or any extravagant guns like Bloodsport or Peacemaker. However, he is the bravest character in The Suicide Squad, and that can go a long way in the Hunger Games arena.
Though doing what is right might be counterintuitive in a battle royale arena, karma has served Flag well for almost two whole movies. But it isn’t just bravery and loyalty that got him so far; he is a military leader and was a member of the United States Army Special Forces, meaning that he has unrivaled combat skills.
5 Bloodsport
Bloodsport’s whole outfit is made up of weapons, and only when it came to the very end of the final act did he finally run out of artillery. Not only that, but the weapons are enormous, as they are almost as long as Idris Elba is tall, and though it isn’t exactly clear why the end of the gun he uses to shoot Starro spins, it has to count for something.
Between all of the gadgets equipped to his costume, no other character has as much weaponry as Bloodsport. But given that he’s one of the most heroic of the whole of Task Force X, as he saves Ratcatcher and does what’s right in the end, his morals could catch him out in the Hunger Games arena.
4 Peacemaker
Peacemaker said it himself when he told Bloodsport, “I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.” And that’s exactly what he did when he believed he was heading to Corto Maltese to keep the peace.
When sneaking through the rebellion camp, he murdered so many innocent people, and though their innocence was unbeknownst to Peacemaker, he killed them in the most creative and accurate ways. He murdered Rick Flag, and he could have killed Ratcatcher 2 if Bloodsport didn’t intervene. Even though Bloodsport killed Peacemaker, it was due only to having superior bullets at the time, and who could really beat the other in a battle royale is still up for debate.
3 Amanda Waller
She might have been knocked out with a golf club by one of her own colleagues, but Amanda Waller is possibly more evil and more willing to take another person’s life than any member of the Suicide Squad. It wasn’t just part of James Gunn’s depraved, grotesque vision, but Viola Davis’ depiction is comic accurate, as she kills people she needs dead in the graphic novels too.
The character shot several members of staff in the back of the head in Suicide Squad, and then threatened to kill Bloodsport’s daughter in the new movie. Waller could get far in the Hunger Games simply down to how inclined to murder she is and how feared she is by the other characters.
2 King Shark
King Shark might seem cartoonish, and he sure inspired loads of Suicide Squad memes, but there’s no understating how much of a killer the fish really is. His skin is so thick that not even bullets can pierce him. When he was on the ground unprotected and without his team, the Corto Maltese military open-fired on him, and he got away completely unscathed.
It seems like King Shark is almost invincible. On top of that, King Shark could make the most of the Hunger Games arena terrain, especially if it’s another arena full of water. The only thing that could possibly harm him is the fish that he presumed to be his friends.
1 Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn is the reason why the first Suicide Squad has aged well, and the sequel wouldn’t be the same without her either. But in the new movie, the character has developed some skills she didn’t have in the original film. In her action sequence when she escapes captivity from the Corto Maltese military, she shows just how much of a specialist she is in hand-to-hand combat.
The skills may have come out of nowhere, as she didn’t have this acrobatic expertise in the original movie (aside from one scene), but she pulls it off with expert precision. And though she might not have the artillery that Bloodsport does, her trigger-happy personality hasn’t changed either. Harley Quinn is the whole Hunger Games-winning package, not to mention that she has a nifty new javelin.