Polkadot was started by three Ethereum co-founders—Gavin Wood, Robert Habermeier, and Peter Czaba—who came together and created a new platform to solve some of Ethereum’s problems. Polkadot’s main technical innovation is the parachain. These structures operate alongside each other and can freely interact with one another. They’re similar to traffic lanes on an expressway, where drivers can switch back and forth between them.
With parachains, Polkdadot could process as many as 167,000 transactions per second. What’s more, Polkadot runs off JavaScript and Rust, two of the most mainstream coding languages. In comparison, Ethereum uses Solidity, which isn’t common among mainstream developers. Not having to learn a completely new programming language is a big plus for attracting new blockchain developers to the platform. However, it’s also a major reason regular software developers aren’t moving to the blockchain ecosystem just yet.